# Provider Queries

These are the queries defined under the provider gql module, used for setting up what the user what's to follow

# getProviders

    getProviders(filters: [ProviderQuery]!, page: Int, range: Int, order: String, orderBy: String): [Provider]

used to fetch list of provider the same way one would fetch posts. filters will be array of query items such as { provider: "bbcworld", connector: "AND" } or { source: "twitter", connector: "AND" } and concatenating these items will create a filter for the db.

  • filters: is an array of query items composed of field and a connector
  • page: what page to fetch. starts from 0
  • range: number of items per page. starts from 1
  • orderBy: the number of the field to sort by
  • order: ASC or DESC

# getProvidersForUser

    getProvidersForUser: [Provider]

used to get list of providers the user set out to follow

# getPostsForUser

    getPostsForUser(page: Int, range: Int, fruitPunch: Boolean, fruitLimit: Int): [Post]

used to get list of posts for the user filtered out only by providers they are following

# getPostScrapedSinceForUser

    getPostScrapedSinceForUser(time: Int, page: Int, range: Int): [Post]

used to get list of posts for the user filtered out only by providers they are following and scraped after the specified time

# getPostFromForUser

    getPostFromForUser(time: Int, page: Int, range: Int): [Post]

used to get list of posts for the user filtered out only by providers they are following and published after the specified time

# getPostPublishedOnForUser

    getPostPublishedOnForUser(time: Int, page: Int, range: Int): [Post]

used to get list of posts for the user filtered out only by providers they are following and published on the specified time

# getPostCustomizedForUser

    getPostCustomizedForUser(jsonQuery: [FilterQuery!]!, page: Int, range: Int): [Post]

used to get list of posts for the user filtered out only by providers they are following and filtered by custom query.

  • jsonQuery: is an array of query items composed of field and a connector, i.e { provider: "ludaxia", connector: "AND" } or { title: "COVID19", connector: "AND" }. these can be used to concatenate queries and leverage the power of SQL based dbs instead of doing them on client side.
  • page: what page to fetch. starts from 0
  • range: number of items per page. starts from 1
  • orderBy: the number of the field to sort by
  • order: ASC or DESC

# Graphql Schema

gql schema for this model goes

extend type Query {
    getProviders(filters: [ProviderQuery]!, page: Int, range: Int, order: String, orderBy: String): [Provider]
    getProvidersForUser: [Provider]
    getPostsForUser(page: Int, range: Int, fruitPunch: Boolean, fruitLimit: Int): [Post]
    getPostScrapedSinceForUser(time: Int, page: Int, range: Int): [Post]
    getPostFromForUser(time: Int, page: Int, range: Int): [Post]
    getPostPublishedOnForUser(time: Int, page: Int, range: Int): [Post]
    getPostCustomizedForUser(jsonQuery: [FilterQuery!]!, page: Int, range: Int): [Post]